Mockup of Atlantic University’s 2024-2027 Strategic Plan document. The image shows a closed cover and an open page spread. The cover features a purple geometric design with the university’s logo and the title: ‘2024-2027 Strategic Plan - Toward a Sustainable Data-Based Learner-Centered Institution.’ The open spread highlights the ‘Values’ section, including content on ‘Innovation,’ ‘Diversity,’ and ‘Respect,’ with an accompanying image of two engaged individuals collaborating.

Plan Estratégico 2024-2027

Hacia una institución sostenible basada en datos y centrada en el estudiante

Revisado el 19 de diciembre de 2024

English Version

El Plan Estratégico 2024-2027 de Atlantic University crea la base para un recorrido transformador hacia establecer una institución sostenible, basada en datos y centrada en el estudiante. Fundamentado en la misión de la institución de ofrecer excelencia educativa y en su visión de liderar la innovación en las artes, las ciencias y la tecnología, este plan detalla objetivos estratégicos diseñados para promover el crecimiento, el éxito estudiantil y una cultura de innovación. Con un compromiso con la diversidad, el respeto y la mejora continua, Atlantic University busca atender las necesidades cambiantes de sus estudiantes y de su comunidad, posicionándose como un referente en la educación superior local, nacional e internacional. Este documento sirve como una hoja de ruta para alcanzar estos objetivos en los próximos tres años.

Descarga la versión en Español

2024-2027 Strategic Plan

Toward a Sustainable Data-Based Learner-Centered Institution

Revised on December 19, 2024

Versión en español

Atlantic University’s 2024-2027 Strategic Plan sets the foundation for a transformative journey toward establishing a sustainable, data-driven, learner-centered institution. Grounded in the institution’s mission to deliver educational excellence and its vision of leading innovation in arts, sciences, and technology, this plan outlines strategic goals designed to foster growth, student success, and a culture of innovation. With a commitment to diversity, respect, and continuous improvement, Atlantic University seeks to address the evolving needs of its learners and community while positioning itself as a benchmark in higher education for local, national, and international postsecondary education. This document serves as a roadmap to achieving these goals over the next three years.

Mockup of Atlantic University’s 2024-2027 Strategic Plan document. The image shows a closed cover and an open page spread. The cover features a purple geometric design with the university’s logo and the title: ‘2024-2027 Strategic Plan - Toward a Sustainable Data-Based Learner-Centered Institution.’ The open spread highlights the ‘Values’ section, including content on ‘Innovation,’ ‘Diversity,’ and ‘Respect,’ with an accompanying image of two engaged individuals collaborating.